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The Bus Works...

With Waste Vegetable Oil

With Solar Power

With Sustainable Waste Management

With Rainwater Catchment

And... A Bicycle-Machine!

The Diesel engine originally ran on peanut oil. Research it. 

     To use Waste Vegetable Oil (WVO) as fuel in a Diesel engine, two things must be done:

#1 - Filter the oil of all water & particulate.

#2 - Heat the oil before it enters the engine.

The SoulFire Bus meets these two requirements through our filtering system and our two-tank engine system.

Yes, that's us with light during the power outage. All of our electricity comes from a 12-volt deep-cycle battery bay that is divided from the starting batteries by an isolator switch. They are recharged by the sun with photovoltaic (solar) panels. The current is regulated by a charge controller.


- Re-use

- Compost

- Dry/Composting Toilet

We turn an approximately 95% of our "trash" into building materials, craft materials, and fuel for the fire. Whether Eco-Bricks, plastic bag "yarn" or milk/juice carton wallets, we re-use as much of our waste as possible.

Trash is only "trash" when it's all mixed together and nobody wants to separate it. By separating our waste and putting in it's place we can turn "trash" into usable resources.


We separate all of our organic waste and turn it into compost or bury it so it can decompose naturally, returning the nutrients to the earth. 

When possible we set up a dry/composting toilet separating the pee from the poop, which we keep covered with a mix of ashes, dirt and dry leaves. This is a way to keep our waste from contaminating water sources and if done correctly, the remains can later be harvested as super fertilizers.


"Keep in mind that all of the water we have today is all of the water there will ever be and all of the water that ever was." -Anon

When possible we catch and filter rainwater for drinking and washing. This eliminates our dependency on tap water, (which is often poisoned with chlorine, fluoride, and even prozac) or buying filtered water, the majority of which is "dead water" (stripped of ALL organic compounds, minerals and very low in oxygen).

We wash our clothes with our Bicycle Washing Machine, (designed and built with Miguel Hidalgo from Jaguar de Madera) getting exercise instead of paying a laundromat and wasting electricity.


to the SoulFire Project



© 2013 by SoulFire Project

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